Saturday, May 25, 2024


Brahma Purana 65.4-5 ”Brahma said:- O sages, listen all of you, even as I speak about that highest region which is wished for by the devotees. It is blessed, holy land and destructive of the world. It is most excellent of all the worlds. it is named (Visnu-loka) after the name of Visnu. It is a sacred abode full of mysteries. It is honoured and worshipped by the three worlds.[18-29] In that city of Visnu, worshipped by all, people walk about in divine aerial chariots…They are adorned by the celestial maidens…The people sport about with the various young women of Gandharvas and the group of celestial clans. The young women look very splendid with their faces as charming as the moon. Their breasts are plump and lifted up. Their waists are beautiful and elegant. Some are dark in complexion and some fair. Their gait is like that of elephants in their rut…As long as the heaven stands alongwith the moon and stars, they dally with the celestial nymphs. They resemble heated gold. They are devoid of old age and death.”

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Five Elements

According to her tradition, which is Vedic (of India), she prominently displays five precious gemstones:

  1. emerald, 
  2. sapphire, 
  3. ruby, 
  4. pearl and 
  5. diamond. 
These correspond with the five classic elements commonly named earth, water, fire, air and ether respectively. Her name, Vaijayanthi, means “triumphant victory.”

There is a curious link between these five elements and the Vishnu image portrayed in Vaishnavite temples. The Vishnu Puran and Garuda Puran refer to five forms of Vishnu-Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna, Aniruddha, Narayana. The meanings of these names indicate a connection to the five elements.
1. Vasudeva means ‘’that in which all things abide ’’indicating the element ether.
2. Sankarshana means ‘complete attraction’ or squeezing together indicating the element of Aeriality.
3. Pradyumna means ‘the radiant one’ indicating the element fire.
4. Anirudha means ‘without obstacles’ indicating liquidity or water.
5. Narayana means ‘son of man, path of man, eternal man’ indicating the element earth.